1. I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be uncommon-if I can.
I was not born into a rich family, but I shall create my own rich family. My seed, My blood, My life - My Legacy.
Even if it means creating a successful blog from a public library, I choose to be uncommon!
2. I seek opportunity-not security.
I will satisfy my customer, I will solve social problems, for opportunity lies in common good.
I will pursue opportunity beyond the resources I currently control.
3. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me.
I am capitalist, not socialist. I am not for welfarism and Mr. Politician; I do not need neither your political connections nor your government contract.
I will make it on my own, and contribute to the welfare of my society and actively participate in Nation building. I will pay my Taxes!
4. I want to take the calculated risk, to build and to dream, to fail and to succeed.
Coinvest Enterprises - My Brainchild!
From a start-up micro business to a mega business empire with vast operations. Creating employment, rewarding shareholders, fun to work in, and social responsibility.
5. I refuse to barter incentive for a shilling; I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence, the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia.
I will toil hard to nurture my brainchild, to see the seedling grow into a small tree, till it matures to the end and how sweet are the fruits of your hard labour.
Perfection becomes reality.
6. I will not trade my freedom for beneficence, nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any master, not bend to any threat.
I am independent and may my freewill lead me to success. I will build upon and maintain a great personality, a tower of excellence and inspiration, a force to reckon with.
7. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and to act for myself, to enjoy the benefit of my creations and to face the world boldly and say:
This, with my God, family and friends, I have done. The outcome of bringing together my competence and character is a great name to be reknowned and a significant accomplishment.
...baby step 2.
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