It is said that if you carefully study the lives of legendary human beings and many of the successful entrepreneurs - their journey to prosperity and great wealth started from inspiration in a book or they stumbled upon a piece of information. This new wisdom of the ages is what triggered their hunger for self discovery and a drive to achieve full potential.
Most vehicles have potential to reach top speeds of upto 220 km/hr, but the driver doesn't have the gut to step hard on the peddle and achieve full potential! They are comfortable at minimal speeds of mere range 80-120 km/hr. That is why we do not have super highways in Kenya...lest you forget this is a kenyan story!
So is the human being whose capacity for achievement is high but they are not motivated enough to attain peak heights and to dream big!
It is throuh books that you can learn from the people who have lived before you. And it is thence you might ignite that sparkle which will cause a fire within you such as to make you a force to reckon with in society.
The great book that I stumbled upon, that which set me on my path to self actualization was: 'The Richest Man In Babylon' by Richard S. Clason
Why can't I be the richest man in Kenya? What is it that this Rich man had that I possibly can't have? And this got me reading.
I was a young man then, at the threshold of adulthood from teenage, and the year was 2007. And many books I have read since then.
...and that is for a start!
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