Who ought not to be happy and proud about their successes and achievements? I bet no one. We should all enjoy our cloud nine moments of joyous achievement after all the hard work, toiling and sweating and pushing hard to close that life changing deal. BUT THERE IS A DISCLAIMER HERE: HUBRIS! Hubris is the excessive pride or arrogance that so many achievers develop-and which prefaces their eventual downfall. People should not allow achievements to carry them away for they might fall; pride comes before a fall. The ailment of hubris is to get carried away with a little success and start to dream that we are demigods who think and live at a different level from ordinary people. That is the first stage of our downfall. The other stages will follow as surely as night follows day. Every person in the universe is no better than "a speck on a speck." Wisdom lies in recognizing both your own insignificance and potentially imminent demise and living with it!
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